If you ever burned yourself as a kid (like I did on more than one occasion), you may remember one of your parents putting aloe vera on your skin. This isn’t just some old wives tale or disproven home remedy; it’s a legitimate way to reduce inflammation and pain that also helps to protect the burnt skin and speed up the healing process. I know it definitely helped me feel better!
However, aloe vera isn’t just a good topical treatment for burns. There are so many advantages of using aloe vera on the skin that it’s hard to list them all! Nonetheless, I’m going to cover everything you need to know about aloe vera for skin, including what it is, how it works, and where you can find the best aloe vera products for your face and body. So, let’s get started!
What Is Aloe Vera?
For all of my botanist readers, you may already be quite familiar with the aloe barbadensis leaf. It’s the long, spiky leaf that grows from the aloe vera plant, which is an almost cactus-like plant that grows in parts of the southwestern United States and Central America. When broken open, these stiff leaves contain a gel-like substance: aloe vera. Some people apply aloe vera directly to the skin from these leaves, while others purchase products that have natural aloe vera in them, often combined with other products that can help hydrate and cleanse the skin.
Aloe Vera Benefits For Skin
So, you know what aloe vera is now — but what can it actually do for your skin? The truth is that aloe vera has a ton of benefits for the skin, which is why people have been using it to treat and even cure various skin-related ailments for centuries. More recently, scientists have discovered the natural components of aloe vera and connected them to specific benefits.
Now, let’s take a look at some of the most important benefits of aloe vera for your skin:
- Burns - As previously mentioned, aloe vera has been the go-to treatment for burns on the skin. Did you accidentally touch a hot skillet on the stove? Aloe vera could be your best friend by reducing pain and inflammation. Just remember that aloe vera is only for minor burns, and anything beyond a minor first-degree burn should be treated by a medical professional.
- Acne - This is a big question that I get from a lot of readers. What can I do about my acne? It’s a fair question because most men can’t shell out thousands of dollars to see a dermatologist and pay for prescription medications. Fortunately, many high-quality skin care products containing aloe vera are excellent for taming acne flare-ups.
- Dry Skin - Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer, so any skin product containing aloe vera — from bars of soap to face wipes — will have some degree of hydration benefits. This is a major perk for guys like me who struggle with dry, flaky areas!
- Psoriasis - Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that can result in flaky skin and red patches. Much in the same way that aloe vera soothes burns and dry skin, it can also help reduce the visible symptoms of psoriasis.
- Eczema - Eczema is essentially dry, itchy, patchy skin that sticks around for the long term. It can be a pain to deal with, especially if you have random flare-ups, but aloe vera is a great natural remedy that calms the itchiness and hydrates the dry parts.
- Sunburns - Aloe vera acts in much the same way for sunburns as it does for minor burns. The symptoms and damage to your skin are very similar with both conditions, and aloe vera works to protect your skin, minimize pain, and speed up the healing process.
- Minor Cuts - People have been applying aloe vera to small cuts and scrapes for ages. Why? Because it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, reducing the risk of infection and calming the pain. This is also part of the reason it’s such a good tool for those who struggle with open acne sores.
- Cold Sores - Finally, if you feel embarrassed about those little cold sores that pop up near your lips from time to time, always keep some aloe vera close by. Just applying aloe vera to cold sores once or twice per day can help them go away much faster.
Aloe Vera For Face
Aloe Vera Products For Shaving & Beard Maintenance
Anthony offers a variety of products to target specific needs. If you’re looking for shaving or beard-maintenance products with aloe vera, here are some of my top picks:
Aloe Vera Products For Facial Cleansing & Moisturizing
Some of aloe vera’s most potent benefits come from its ability to cleanse, hydrate, and soothe irritated skin. For this reason, Anthony offers a wide variety of cleansers, lotions, scrubs, masks, wipes, and even eye creams that utilize aloe vera's powerful, natural components. Whether you’re looking for a facial lotion that won’t make your face too oily or a deep pore cleansing clay mask to really clear out and minimize the pores on your face, Anthony has something for you (and me!). So let’s take a look at some of my top picks for facial products with aloe vera:
- All Purpose Facial Moisturizer
- Oil Free Facial Lotion
- Glycolic Facial Cleanser
- Algae Facial Cleanser
- Facial Scrub
- Deep Pore Cleansing Clay Mask
- Glycolic Exfoliating and Resurfacing Wipes
- Purifying Astringent Pads
- High Performance Continuous Moisture Eye Cream
The Aloe Vera For Body
While many of Anthony’s aloe vera products are specifically designed to take care of the skin of the face, don’t think I forgot about the rest of the body! Anthony offers various products that work for the skin over your entire body. This means that if you’ve got a patch of dry skin on your knees, we’ve got you covered. Or, if you want to enjoy the benefits of aloe vera on your back or arms, we’ve still got something for you. So, here are my top picks of aloe vera products for the skin of the body:
Find the Best Aloe Vera Skin Care Products at Anthony
When you opt for Anthony skin care products, you’re choosing natural, effective ways to cleanse, exfoliate, hydrate, and treat your skin. From acne treatments to face moisturizers, we have everything you need to get your skin looking and feeling its best. Aloe vera is just one of dozens of natural ingredients we utilize to ensure that these formulations are safe, soothing, and can actually get the job done right the first time. Be sure to check out the full product line for face care, body care, as well as shaving and beard care to find exactly what you need!
Want to learn even more about aloe vera for skin care? If so, be sure to check out the great products and solutions available at Anthony today!