Everybody has their own routine and rituals when it comes to shaving. Some men shave first thing in the morning, others shave at night, and some just shave whenever the mood strikes them (or whenever their beards get out of control). While you might think there’s no one right way to do it, there are some expert-tested answers to the question: Should you shave before or after showering?
At Anthony, we know that shaving is a very important part of skincare for millions of men. We also know that many men have questions about what’s best when it comes to shaving. In today’s guide, we’re going to answer when you should shave (before or after a shower), why you should shave at specific times, and the pros and cons of taking different routes. So, let’s get started!
Should Men Shave Before or After a Shower?
If you ask a dermatologist or even an expert barber, they’ll likely give you a variation of the same answer: It’s better to shave after you shower. Why? Because showering generally helps soften beard hairs and open up the pores of the face. However, the answer isn’t completely black and white. Depending on your skin type and personal preferences, shaving before or after a shower could be the better option for you. In the sections below, we’ll examine the pros and cons of shaving before a shower and shaving after:
Pros of Shaving Before a Shower
- Save Time - If you’re doing a classic, clean shave, you’ll have to rinse and towel off your face anyway. By shaving before you shower, you can skip the extra step and simply rinse off the excess hair and shaving product in the shower.
- Easy Clean Up - This is a debate that shavers have all the time, but it’s arguably easier to clean up if you shave before a shower, particularly if you put yourself in a position to allow all the hair to go right down the shower drain.
- Works Well With Electric Shavers - If you use an electric razor, it’s much easier to work with dry beard hairs. Wet beard hairs can clog up an electric shaver and generally make it harder for the tiny blades to execute a clean cut.
Cons of Shaving Before a Shower
- Increased Risk of Cuts - While you can still properly prepare your face with warm water and a pre-shave oil, the hair will still be relatively dry compared to a post-shower shave. A dry shave greatly increases the risk of nicks and cuts.
- Requires More Product - Since you won’t get the hydrating benefit of a shower beforehand, you’ll need to make up for it with more product. You’ll likely need to apply twice as much pre-shave oil and shaving cream to achieve the same results if you shave before you shower.
- Bristly Beard Hairs - Bristly beard hairs won’t matter if you’re using an electric shaver (in fact they’re easier cut), but if you’re using a traditional razor, it will be much, much harder to get a clean cut. Dry, bristly hairs will require you to apply more pressure, which also increases the risk of razor burn.
Pros of Shaving After a Shower
- Soft Hair & Open Pores - As previously mentioned, the steam from a hot shower opens the pores of the skin and softens the beard hair follicles, making them easier to cut with a traditional razor.
- Lower Risk of Razor Burn - A lack of hydration is one of the primary causes of razor burn. Since a shower can naturally hydrate your skin, open the pores, and make hair follicles easier to cut with a traditional razor, you don’t need to apply as much pressure and risk irritating the skin just to get a clean shave.
- Recommended by Experts - While everyone has their own personal preferences, dermatologists generally recommend shaving after a shower to avoid cuts and razor burn. It also makes the hair follicles easier to cut with a traditional razor.
Cons of Shaving After a Shower
- More Time Consuming - If you tend to be in a rush in the morning, having a shower and then doing a full shave and clean up could put you in a time crunch. You’ll need to shower first, prep your face, shave, apply after shave, and then make sure that your face and bathroom are sufficiently clean. That can be a lot to do if you only have a short time to get ready!
- Clogged Razor - Wet hairs are easier to cut, but they are also heavier as they absorb a lot of water. This means that you’ll need to clean off your razor more often. While we don’t recommend dry shaving (as it can cause skin irritation), it’s important to consider that you could clog up the razor with all that wet beard hair.
- More Difficult With Electric Shaver - If you use an electric shaver, it’s much easier to shave dry hair follicles. The tiny razors on an electric shaver can get more easily clogged by wet hairs. While more modern electric shavers are designed for both wet or dry shaves, they are still more effective when the hair is dry and bristly.
Is It Better to Trim Beard Before or After a Shower?
The distinction between a full, clean shave and a beard trim is extremely important. Whether you’re trimming your beard with scissors or an electric beard trimmer, it’s generally best to do it before a shower. If you trim the hair wet, you could end up cutting off too much or too little, because it will look very different when the beard hair follicles dry. As a result, it’s better to dry trim your beard, take a shower to rinse away the loose hairs, and then dry and style your beard afterward. This will give you the best look, without taking up a lot of extra time or accidentally messing up your preferred style.
Where to Find the Best Shaving Products For Men
Whether you choose to shave (or trim your beard) before or after you shower, you’ll need the right products to keep your face and facial hair looking great. Fortunately, Anthony has everything you need for a clean shave and smooth skin. Here are some of our top picks for men who shave regularly:
- Pre-Shave + Conditioning Beard Oil - This is a great product to apply before a shave or to rub into your beard after a trim. The natural vitamins and oils can help prevent irritation caused by shaving and, if you maintain a beard, ensure that your beard feels soft and silky.
- Shave Cream - You should always use a quality shaving cream to soothe the skin and lift hairs for a perfectly clean shave. Anthony’s Shave Cream combines rosemary extracts and hops to prevent infection and relax the skin.
- After Shave Balm - The perfect way to prevent redness, bumps, and other irritation after a shave, Anthony’s After Shave Balm feels cool and relaxing as soon as you apply it to the skin.
For even more high-quality shaving solutions, look through our collection of Pre-Shave, Shave, and Post-Shave products!
Want to learn even more about whether you should shave before or after a shower? If so, be sure to check out the great products and solutions available at Anthony today!